What’s your brand personality?

If I ask you to describe your brand personality you may begin by describing what you do and how your business helps people but we need to go deeper than that.

The idea behind it is that each brand’s personality aligns with a season – it influences how you want your brand to be experienced and the characteristics that are embodied in it. And once you have identified your brand with a season it is much easier to maintain a cohesive approach to your marketing and business development. 

All this, of course, is filtered through the values of your brand…but I’ll save that for another day!

There’s also the question, is your business brand about you and your tastes, or does it have its own personality but with a flavour of you. Or put simply, do you choose a colour for your brand because you like it or do you choose something because of how it influences how people interact with your brand? You are a part of your brand but what you share is your offer, in terms of what it’s like to work with you rather than your likes and dislikes on a personal level.

Colour is used to evoke a kind of feeling about your brand so it’s a very important choice, as are all the visuals you use throughout your website and marketing.

To begin to identify your season think about your brand in these ways-

  • The words you use in your ‘elevator pitch’.
  • Your brand values
  • How you would describe your brand if it were a human
  • When someone experiences your brand, how do you want them to feel
  • What is the number one characteristic that your brand embodies

You may have a Spring brand personality if your words include – fun, energetic, playful, friendly, youthful, caring, inspirational, creative, bright, transparent, approachable, lively, sparkling.

Once you have chosen your main characteristic and three key brand words, everything you show, share, and write about should reflect these words.

photography for home organisers Spring brand

Some of the colours associated with spring brand personality tend to have warm and yellow tones and also are fresh and colourful. think of aqua and light jade, soft banana yellow, blush pinks and sherbert pinks, fresh lemony greens.

Working with Hester of Tidylicious Home we created fresh, light and bright photography to reflect her Spring brand personality. It also reinforces her brand message of cleanliness and orderliness but in a playful relaxed way.

your brand personality Karen Flower Photography

How you communicate your brand voice and tone through words and photography will draw people towards you and repel others, so knowing how you are appealing to your audience will influence if you get to work with your ideal client. The voice of a spring brand will be playful, energetic, relaxed and more casual.

Other things to think about include the type of font you use and any background features or patterns. e.g a small ditsy print will more likely reflect the spring personality rather than a luxurious bold motif.

If you are refreshing your brand and want to explore your brand personality further and how to create visuals to reflect that, then that’s something I’ve included my Brand Photography Workbook for this year.

All of my brand photography clients use the workbook to clarify their brand and design their brand photoshoot with me.

Like to know more? Drop me a message via my contact page or email me directly.


Also check out How to Define Your Personal Brand and How Good Branding Attracts Your Audience

All the best,
